Privacy Policy

Pupetté Australia Pty Ltd, trading as Pupetté (collectively referred to as "Publisher", "we", "our", or "us") is subject to the National Privacy Principles in the Privacy Act 1988. This Privacy Policy and Disclosure Statement explains how Publisher collects and protects the privacy of personal information about you collected by the Publisher or provided by you to Publisher via our website or from other sources.This Privacy Policy and Disclosure Statement does not apply in relation to acts and practices of Publisher which relate directly to the employee records of present and former employees of Publisher.

Collection Of Your Personal Information

You agree and consent that we may collect personal information from you when you subscribe to our website, or from the people we do business with (“business clients”) such as our suppliers and contractors.

Normally, the type of personal information collected includes your name, email and postal addresses, home and business telephone numbers, age and gender. We do not collect sensitive personal information.Our policy is to only collect personal information that we need for a particular purpose and use it for that purpose. Except as permitted or required by law, including as reasonably expected by the individual, Pupetté does not collect, use or disclose personal information without your consent.

You agree and consent that Pupetté may collect personal information about you from a third party source. Pupetté will take reasonable steps to contact you to and make you aware of the purposes for which the issuer has collected your personal information which has been obtained from a third party source.

You must not provide personal information to Pupetté about another person, unless that person has authorised Pupetté, through you, to collect, use and disclose personal information about that person for the purposes described in this Privacy Policy Publisher collects personal information for some or all of the following purposes:

1. to monitor or improve the quality and standard of service provided to you or other consumers by Publisher and any entities related to Publisher, (collectively called "Authorised Disclosees");
2. to provide marketing information to you about products and services of any one or more of the Authorised Disclosees; and
3. arrange for delivery of products of any one or more Authorised Disclosee to you.

If you do not provide any information requested, Publisher or one or more of the Authorised Disclosees may not be able to either provide you with information about Pupetté products or to fulfil one or more other purposes of collection of your personal information.Publisher may collect personal information about you from a third party source.

Publisher will take reasonable steps to contact you and make you aware of the purposes for which Publisher has collected your personal information which has been obtained from a third party source.

Use Or Disclosure Of Your Personal Information

You agree and consent that we may use personal information to manage our relationship with you and business clients and properly conduct our business. Specifically, you agree and consent that we may use your personal information in order to:- communicate information on our products or services and to notify our customers about existing or new Pupetté product offerings, sales or special promotions from time to time;
-help you decide which of our products would best suit your requirements;
- Conduct market research by collating and analysing information in order to develop product ranges and identify opportunities to provide our customers with further service and benefits.

If at any time you no longer wish to be notified about new Pupetté products or services or promotions, you should contact the Privacy Officer (see details below), and Pupetté will delete your personal information from our system.

Pupetté does not sell, rent, trade, give or share personal information to or with third parties. However, you agree and consent that we may disclose your personal information to third parties to whom Pupetté contracts out specialised functions (including without limitation such as printing companies for the purpose of printing our promotional material).

If Pupetté does disclose your personal information to these third party contractors under outsourcing or contracting arrangements, Pupetté takes steps to ensure that those contractors comply with the National Privacy Principles when they handle your personal information, and are authorised only to use your personal information in order to provide the services or to perform the functions required by Pupetté.

Otherwise, Pupetté only uses or discloses personal information as authorised or required by law.

Personal Information

You must not provide personal information to Publisher about another person, unless that person has authorised Publisher, through you, to collect, use and disclose personal information about that person for the purposes described in this Privacy Policy and Disclosure Statement.

Sharing Information

Publisher may disclose personal information to Authorised Disclosees upon the basis that any Authorised Disclosee may only collect, use or disclose the information for the purpose for which that information was originally collected by Publisher.

Access To Personal Information

Publisher will, on request, provide you with access to personal information held by Publisher about you, subject to any limitations or exceptions in the Privacy Act.Publisher will deal with requests for access within a reasonable time. You must pay Publisher for reasonable costs incurred by Publisher in providing you with access.If Publisher refuses to provide you with access to personal information about you, Publisher will provide you with reasons for the refusal, in accordance with the requirements of the Privacy Act.


We understand that when you visit our website you may not wish to become a member. We respect that and have provided you the option to not sign up as a member and to drop out at any time you no longer wish to be a member of the website.

Up-to-Date Information

Publisher will take reasonable steps to ensure that your personal information is up-to-date when collected or used by Publisher. If any personal information held by Publisher about you is incorrect, you should contact Publisher immediately, so that Publisher can take reasonable steps to correct incorrect information about you.

Security of Personal Information

Publisher protects your personal information from misuse and unauthorised disclosure.Personal information about you may be stored in hard copy or electronically in data information storage systems of Publisher.Publisher maintains physical security, as well as network and computer security over paper and electronic data information storage systems.

Children and young people
The website is accessible to people of all ages. However, we are mindful that some customers who register as members may be under the age of 18. In the interests of their personal safety, we urge children to check with their parents before entering personal information on any website and ask parents to discuss these issues with their children.The Publisher will also ensure that appropriate disclosures are made at the time of collection of other information from minors, and will only collect this information where it is appropriate to do so. Information collected will only be used for appropriate purposes.

Foreign Countries
Publisher will not transfer your personal information to foreign countries without your express or implied consent.